Teaching Arabic words to children

The formation of words is one of the very important stages in establishing the child academically, as the word is composed of sound clips and it is important to train the child on three-letter words, and fun must be added to learning so that the child is attracted and does not get bored very quickly.
What are the steps of teaching children to write?
There are some steps that can be followed to teach a child to write, including:
Explain how to hold the pen in an appropriate manner by giving him the pencil and placing it between the index finger and the thumb in order to encourage the child to practice writing every day by setting special writing sessions for a few minutes and then prolonging them later as his writing progresses, and he can share and teach him about how to spell words, and he must When reading from word analysis to syllables and letters aloud to the child, discuss the images and events in the book with him.
It is necessary to help the child to identify the names of all family members, and it is necessary to know the basics of teaching children to write words. There are some basics that must be taken care of when teaching a child to write a word, including:
• Understand the child that the word consists of a group of letters that are linked together in some form and in a specific order, and that it expresses ideas or names of things.
• Pay attention to rules related to spelling and punctuation.
• Combining the teaching of reading with the writing of the child, as they complement each other.
• The necessity of encouraging the child to write his name to encourage him.
Three letter words:
The stage of learning to read and write for the child comes after learning the letters well. Forming words is the first stage for children to move from play to real learning, and this learning requires practice and repetition.
It is possible to add some fun to the children by learning using the cards that have a different alphabet on them. You give the child the cards and ask him to form words from three letters correctly.
Or by using a book containing words of three letters, but in a random way, then the child has to write each word in the correct order of its letters, then the child reads it more than once because repetition is the basis of education for children.
Three letter words with opening:
Teach the child first that al-Fath is a case of spelling, which is a tanween sign ( ) placed above the letter and we must open the mouth while pronouncing it. Pronunciation of the letter, so the child says repeatedly as an example: B Fatha B, Ta Fatha T, until he finishes reading all the open letters of the alphabet correctly, then comes the stage of training on words of three open letters, you must write triple open words such as: (Kharj, He planted, took, swallowed), the words must first be spelled in front of the child such as the word (exit, kha slot x, behind slot t, jim slot j, kharaj), and repeat the method with the rest of the words.
The child should then be helped to read the words that he had read before spelling but this time without spelling, such as: (go out reads kh, ر, came out, jar, came out), and the word ( swallowed is read as li, but rather, ‘a, veal). The same method is repeated with the rest of the words until the child can read three-letter words without spelling correctly.
After completing the previous steps, the child must do exercises using three-letter words that he has not read before to measure his comprehension, such as reading: (promise, patience, find) and other words.
Three-letter words with a fraction:
After teaching the child that the fraction is a case of spelling, in which a slash is placed under the letter ( ), and during pronouncing it, the lower jaw must be lowered. Pronouncing the letter that has a kasra below it, then the child reads all the broken letters in the spelling manner, such as: B Kasra B, Ta Kasra T, Tha Kasra T, and so on until the child finishes all the letters of the alphabet, then the child reads it again but without spelling such as B, T , then directly and so on with all the letters of the alphabet, then comes the stage of reading the words that contain a kasra using words of three letters, the child trains on the words that have a kasra and a fath together, such as: indignation, witness, miserliness, follow.
First, the words must be read in the manner of spelling in front of the child, such as: (Saghat reads sin fatha s, kha kasra k, ta’a fatha i, sakht), and the word (taba’ reads: ta’ fatha t, ba kasra b, ‘ain fatha ’a, taba’) .
After that, the child must be helped to read the previous words that the child read spellingly, but this time without spelling, such as: (indignation, read indignant, indignation), and the word (followed, read T, B, repent, followed), and repeat the same way with the rest of the words until he can The child reads three-letter words with a break and opening in a correct manner, and after completing the previous training, the extent of the child’s comprehension must be measured by doing a training for him using words that he had not read before that have a break and opening, such as: (permit, did, lie) and other similar words.

Three-letter words with accusative:
After teaching the child that damming is a case of spelling in which the damma sign is placed above the letter ( ) and during pronunciation the mouth must be joined, then the child is asked to write all the letters of the spelling together, then the child is asked about the name of the letter with the addition, and attention must be paid to joining the lips during pronunciation By letter, then the child reads all the letters of the alphabet together, such as: ba damma b, ta damma ta, tha damma tha and so on, and when the child finishes reading all the letters of the alphabet in the manner of spelling, he must read it again but without spelling and then comes the stage of reading words It consists of three letters that contain a combination such as: (adhan, created) and other words, an example of the word ear, the guardian writes the letter (a) in the notebook, then asks the child for the name of the letter, then puts the addition on the alif and asks the child about the name of the letter, taking into account the combination of the lips, then He writes a broken letter (y) and asks the child about the pronunciation of the letter (y), then writes the letter (n) and asks the child about its pronunciation, then the child pronounces the whole word (adhan) and the same method is repeated with the rest of the words in various cases of formation of joining, opening and breaking using words from three Letters and train the child well.
Three-letter words with addition, fath and kasra:
After you have completed a good practice of joining, opening and breaking one by one, they should be combined into a three-letter word and the child should be trained to read it with the spelling first and then without the spelling.
Using words that the child has not seen before, such as: the child reads the spelling: (ha damma h, shin kasra sh, ra fatha ra, hasher) After he finishes the spelling stage, the child must read the word without spelling, such as: (hashr hasher) .
We also mention that it is very important to add fun to learning so that the information remains stable and distinct in the child’s mind, and it is possible to use crossword puzzles where the child asks to write a word and then searches for a word to intersect.
Also writing a syllable of a two-letter word and then the child thinks of the end of this syllable to get a meaningful word.
In general, writing for children is not decorated words and letters, and is not in-depth constructional expressions. The word is a message, a cause and an art. Just as a person needs food and water to live, he needs to write in order to develop his talents, know his tendencies, and urge him to engage in creative and cultural activity. Therefore, the child must be trained. He has to write words from an early age in order to grow up on them as a life motive and a necessity for living, and not something new to be learned in school, and this guarantees him a natural progression in school and the practice of writing.
working papers:
The worksheet helps children to develop their reading and writing skills in the Arabic language through a simple exercise of component words. Here are some exercises, for example:

  1. Write the following letters or words, taking into account the writing on the line:
  2. Arrange the following letters to make useful words: he walked by ta’ on the fee
  3. Analyze the following words by example:
    Example: I love honesty.
    I love honesty.
  4. Complete by example:
    The word is analyzed into syllables, analyzed into letters
    Asfour aas, fu, ra, r, q, f, r


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