How do I encourage my child to learn letters?!

Learning the alphabet is the basic building block, the cornerstone, and the first pillar of the child, which will prepare him later for the reading stage. Therefore, educators are keen to teach the letters in an easy and pleasant way for the child to encourage continuity, and based on the importance of teaching letters to the child, the mother seeks to find various ways to establish learning in her child and is looking for more These methods are effective in facilitating the educational process for him.
What does the mother do while teaching her child letters?
• The mother is keen to sing the alphabet chant to the child when he is young, and then helps him to sing it himself.
• The mother prepares the colored cards that contain the letters, and then repeats the letter in front of him. After that, the mother tries to encourage and urge the child to name the letter. If he is unable to do so, she must repeat the matter again.
• Writing letters in large fonts, then trying to get the child to imitate them.
• The mother is keen to love the child in books and colorful stories from childhood, because the more the child loves books and stories, the greater his desire to learn them.
Factors that help improve a child’s learning:
• That the mother cares about good nutrition for the child, as this improves memory, increases the child’s ability to absorb and collect, and improves his ability to understand and memorize.
• Good family relations between father and mother increase the child’s self-confidence and improve and increase the ability to comprehend, understand and collect well.
• Making the child self-reliant will gain him more self-confidence and make him enthusiastic about learning.
• Continuous encouragement: the mother must always encourage her child whenever he learns a new letter and notify him that he has accomplished something good, and she must bring him gifts every period to motivate him to always do the best.
• Repetition: the mother should repeat what the child receives of letters to his ears most of the time whenever the opportunity arises. This helps him to constantly remember what he studied, and to establish the letters in his mind, and not to forget them.
• Making biscuits and decorating cupcakes with Arabic letters: Your child can help you in this activity, as he will make biscuits with you and shape them in the form of Arabic letters, as well as decorate cupcakes with different letters, so the mother asks him, after maturity, to bring a cupcake bearing the letter (A), for example, or ask him About the letter he deals with, and so on, this will make him feel happy and give him the motivation to love learning, especially since you have added the elements of entertainment and fun to the side of learning.
• Clay game: The mother brings her child a clay game, and helps him to form the letters of the Arabic language with it, which adds an atmosphere of happiness for the child, as he forms the different letters in the wonderful colors of clay, and when he forms it, the mother pronounces the letter and the child repeats behind it.
• The mother can buy a sketchbook for her child and buy colors for him. She draws letters for him in them and asks him to color them in different colors and pronounces them with him and asks him to repeat behind her.
In general, aware of the difficulty that parents may find in teaching their children Arabic letters, we mentioned in this article and the previous article (link to the article) some of the ideal methods recommended by specialists and experts to follow, as well as the various different and fun ways that encourage the child to learn letters with love. And a passion to avoid the dry and boring methods of indoctrination that sometimes bring undesirable results, hoping for good results that stimulate creativity and innovation in the child.


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